Volume 17, Issue 4 (Paramedical Sciences and Military Health (winter 2023) 2022)                   Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2022, 17(4): 4-17 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri nia M, MALEKI A, Hosseini M, Hamed Chaman N. Protective Effects of Resistance Training and Biotin Supplementation in Modulating Symptoms and Increasing Humoral Immunity Levels in Men Recovered from Acute Respiratory Syndrome After Coronavirus-2. Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2022; 17 (4) :4-17
URL: http://jps.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-352-en.html
1- Department of Physiology - Faculty of Human Sciences - Azad Islamic University of Tehran East - Tehran - Iran
2- PhD student in sports physiology Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
3- PhD student in sports physiology Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran , nader.hamedchaman@gmail.com
Abstract:   (852 Views)
Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a global epidemic that has spread rapidly and it led to increased mortality; however, survivors of Covid-19 disease often face a weakened immune system. Since the main solutions to improve the level of safety include training modality and benefiting from supplements, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of resistance training and biotin consumption on the humoral immunity levels of men recovered from Corona.
Methods and Materials: This semi-experimental research has been performed with a pre-test and posttest design. 32 men recovered from Corona, whose ages were between 30 and 40 years old, were randomly divided into four groups of control, resistance training, biotin supplement, and resistance training+supplement. The exercise protocol for 6 weeks was three sessions per week and each session lasted 60 minutes with an intensity of 60 to 80% of a maximum repetition. The supplement groups took one biotin capsule with food for six weeks before the training. About 48 hours after the end of the last training session and supplement consumption, the serum levels of IgA, IgM, IgG, and CRP were measured by the ELISA method. The data were evaluated using the statistical method of multivariate covariance analysis at the significance level of (P ≤ 0.05).
Results: The results showed that six weeks of resistance training with biotin consumption caused a significant increase in IgA, and IgM and it coused a significant decrease in CRP in men recovered from Corona. However, there was not any significant changes in IgG and cortisol.
Discussion and Conclusion: It seems that six weeks of resistance training along with biotin consumption has strengthened the immune system by increasing the amounts of immunoglobulins A, M and decreasing CRP. Therefore, performing six weeks of resistance training along with biotin intake is suitable for improving the body's immune system and it protects a person against the disease of Covid-19.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: full articles
Received: 2023/03/30 | Accepted: 2023/04/18 | Published: 2023/03/20

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