Volume 12, Issue 1 (Paramedical Sciences and Military Health (Spring 2017) 2017)                   Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2017, 12(1): 1-6 | Back to browse issues page

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Gorgani-Firuzjah M, Gorgani-Firuzjaee S. Elevated Serum CTRP12 (Adipoline) Level in Army Air Defense Personnel: A Case-Control Study. Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2017; 12 (1) :1-6
URL: http://jps.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-107-en.html
1- Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, Taft Branch, Yazd, Iran
2- Department of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Paramedicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , s.gorgani@ajaums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5687 Views)

Introduction: Several parameters including induced inflammation by immune system, overgrowth of adipose tissue, and hypertrophied adipocytes lead to dyslipidemia, imbalanced proinflammatory, and antiinflammatory adipokines secretion. According to the adipokines expression in various pathological conditions like obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and inflammatory diseases, adipokines as biomarkers are very important in diagnosis and managment. CTRP-12 (adipoline) is a member of CTRP family expressed abundantly in adipose tissue. Previous studies showed that adipoline can play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the metabolic disease such as obesity, Type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. According to our knowledge, there is not any available report about adipoline changes in military society. In the current study, the relationship between serum levels of adipoline and metabolic factors such as lipid profile and glucose have been investigated in both military and non-military population.
Methods and Materials: In this study, 40 army air defense personnel and 40 governmental officers were randomly selected considering their age and sex. Serum level CTRP-12 was analyzed by ELISA. In addition, glucose and lipid profiles were measured in serum using an
auto analyzer.
Results: Higher level of CTRA-12 was observed in army air defense personnel compared to the control group. CTRP-12 plasma levels had significant negative correlation with fasting glucose (P< 0.05).
Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed higher values of CTRP-12 in the Army air defense personnel. This result may be due to their active lifestyle and higher physical activity.


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Type of Study: Research | Subject: full articles
Received: 2017/07/19 | Accepted: 2017/07/19 | Published: 2017/07/19

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