Article Writing Guide

 | Post date: 2018/10/27 | 
Article Writing Guide

The following are required to submit the article in the Paramedical Sciences and Military Health journal:
Articles such as research, review, scientific hypothesis, case report, and letter to the editor should be written in Persian and abstracted in Persian and English.
1. The article should be submitted electronically to the journal website at
2. The article should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx).
3. Font size for Farsi: 12 with Bnazanin ; and for English: 10 with Times new Roman.
4. Manuscripts must be prepared in A4 page size with paragraph setting as single.
5. Submissions should not be submitted or published in other publications (including Persian or English).
6. The original article or its translation (in any language) must not be sent to any other publication for evaluation or reviewing. For ensuring The Originality of the research, it is required that all of the authors complete and sign the existing form in the website (can reach here).
7. The Persian version of the manuscript is strictly observed, and the use of Latin words as well as foreign words that have the exact equivalent in the Persian language should be avoided. English equivalent words can be taken in footnotes.
Research Papers
The research paper should include:
1- Title page (Persian and English):
The title page includes the title of the article and the full name of the authors, in front of the names of each of the authors, the grade, occupational and organizational affiliation must be included, as well as the email addresses of the authors must be specified.
Acknowledgement and Conflict of interest sections must be included in the Title page.
 2- Abstract (Persian and English):
The abstract includes the ‘introduction’, ‘materials and methods’, ‘findings’ (or ‘Results’), and ‘discussion and conclusion’ (or just ‘Conclusion’). The abstract must be lower or equal to 300 words.
 3- Keywords (Persian and English):
Includes a maximum of 5 words to be selected from the Subject Heading Mesh; Medical in the Medicus Index.
 4- Text:
The full text includes the introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussions and conclusions.
4.1. The community studied and the method of sampling (patients or animals in the laboratory) and other important characteristics should be clearly stated. Methods, equipment (name of equipment manufacturer and address in parenthesis), and measures taken with sufficient explanation, must be presented that other researchers can examine the results, or to fully repeat the research if they wish. The manner of using all the drugs and chemicals should be specified and evidence that confirms the sensitivity of the laboratory methods.
4.2 Ethical Principles investigating clinical trials including the inclusion of patients, obtaining a letter of consent from patients, and approval of the study by the Ethics Committee must be mention in methods section.
4.3 Statistical methods must be stated in sufficient details so that the reader can test the results of the article. The reference to the software used and the expression of the statistical test used for each of the research variables is essential.
4-4. The results of the tests should be presented in logical order in the form of tables, diagrams and images with three independent numbering series. Table data, graphs, and images in the text must not repeat again in text, and the data should not be sent in both tables and charts.
Tables, Charts and Images must be original, accurate and clear with a Persian subtitle as separate files. The images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and must be presented in Tiff, JPEG or PNG formats.
4-6. In the discussion and conclusion, the interpretation of findings and their significances must expressed linked to other related research, and the causes of the difference with the findings of others should be analyzed. Conclusion is related to the research objectives. New hypotheses should be  presented if necessary and recommendations will be made at the end of the discussion.
 4-7- If necessary, the name of the financial support sources that led to the research, as well as any technical assistance from other centers should be mentioned before the references, as an acknowledgment.
 5. References:
- References should be arranged in numerical order and used in parentheses to refer in the manuscript. For example (11).
Maximum research article words (except references section): 4000 words
 6- References format:
Resources and references are arranged in the following formats.
 6-1- Reference to an Article:
Full name of the author or authors (up to 6 authors first). Title. The name of the journal in standard abbreviation. Issue year; Magazine number: Article pages.
for example:
Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood Leukemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer. 1995; 73: 1006-12.
6.2 Reference to the chapter of the book:
Name of the author of the season. Chapter title. Name of the authors of the book. Book title. Print issue Publisher Year of publication; Page number.
for example:
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. Laragh JH, BrennerBM. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press. 1995; p. 465-78.
6-3- Referral to a thesis:
Author's name. thesis title. City. University, college. Year.
for example:
Hosein N, Sarkaki A, Badavi M. Effects of peripheral and central administration of estrogen are muscular stiffness and pallidum local EEG in the rat model of Parkinson Disease. PhD thesis. Ahvaz Jondishapoor University of Medical Sciences, Medical Faculty. 2003
6-4- Referrals to Internet resources:
The author's name. Article title. Full site address.
for example:
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. [serial online] 1995 jun-mar [cited 1996 jun 5]; 1 (1) [24].
6-5- Referral to the conference:
Full name of the author or authors (up to 6 first authors). Title. The name of the conference. City / location of conference, country; Year of publication. p. page number.
for example:
Watanabe Y, others. In vivo dose verification based on the Monte Carlo reconstruction method using electronic portal images for photon therapy. In the European Congress of Radiology 2013. London, England; 2013. p. 171-182.
Review articles
• Review articles are comprehensive and comparative articles that are used by reputable academic sources related to the topic of their writing. In the section "Methods of reviewing studies" or "materials and methods", the method of studying and searching for previous investigations to be searched and studied should be fully expressed. In this type of research, at least 8 acceptable scientific sources should be used and the author should be fully involved.
• It should be noted that the review article must have an abstract and original text. Both parts should include the introduction, methods for reviewing studies / materials and methods, findings, discussions and conclusions.
Maximum review article words (except references section): 5000 words for full text and 300 words for abstract
Case report
• Articles in the case report should include rare and important medical items. These reports should be original and have a clear indication of clinical work and show a clear distinction. These reports provide important new information for future research, including headings, abstract, introduction (case importance), Patient description, findings, discussion and conclusions, and references.
Maximum review article words (except references section): 2000 words for full text and 300 words for abstract
Continuing education articles
• There are articles in which experts and medical scientists or other related subjects keep up their scientific level and become acquainted with new developments in areas related to their specialization and learn new things. These include titles, abstracts, content (with optional subdivisions and optional titles), discussions and conclusions, and references.
Maximum review article words (except references section): 4000 words for full text and 300 word for abstract
Letter to the editor
• The letter to the editor is written by the readers to the editor and points out a point or topic in the previous published articles of the magazine, and makes an explanation about it. These articles have a maximum of 2 authors, and the number of words should not exceed 500 words.
The editorial board of Paramedical Sciences and Military Health journal could accept, reject, and edit articles that submitted to the journal. The results of all papers complying with the above requirements will be sent to the responsible author after reviewing and receiving the opinion of the specialized reviewers, in order to make the necessary amendments to the arbitrators.
* Principles for authors
It is necessary for all authors to receive the Ethics Guide on the Publication of Medical Science Research Papers from the Ethics Section of the Ethics Guide in the Publishing of Medical Science Research Papers, and after studying, if their research design is consistent with the principles presented in their article, The principles of the "Ethics Guide to the Publishing of Medical Science Research Papers" have been respected.
Also, authors whose articles are derived from research on human, animal, stem cell samples, or clinical trials will need to find a guide from the ethics chapter in Paramedical Sciences and Military Health journal site. Also, such investigations require the a code of ethics in research in the materials and methods (methods) of their articles. It should be noted that this code is provided by the institution where the research plan has been registered. In the following, the most important sections of ethics are presented in the publication of research works.
1. The author's most basic moral responsibility is to provide a true and complete report of the research and to attempt not to commit a plagiarism in any way from the point of view of the verbal or the close to the content, the reference of the same text or other research results of the individuals. And so on.
2. The author undertakes to provide (in the circumstances necessary) the necessary evidence regarding the submission of the article including the spreadsheet file including the article data, diagrams or supplementary diagrams, design or use tools (if any) as well as examples of materials and samples.
3. The correct citation applies to all the sources used either directly or indirectly.
4. Any possible risks associated with the methods or materials used in the research should be clearly stated in the submission paper. In addition, the authors must alert the editor of any abuse or misuse of reported results or practices.
5. Authors are advised to refrain from multiplying the results of a research (and sending related parts to different journals).
6. If the article has already been rejected (in this magazine or other magazines) or has been removed from the print process, the author must inform the editor and discuss possible reasons for refusing or withdrawing from the release cycle or possible corrections.
7. All authors and colleagues who were mentioned in the article titles should have at least the scientific contribution to the preparation of the article. Other colleagues should be cited and thanked. You can name the eligible deceased colleagues in the authors section. The corresponding author is responsible for sending a copy of the article to the magazine for other collaborator writers and obtaining their consent to submit the title in the form of a collaborator.
8. Reporting potential conflicts of interest and sponsors of research is the responsibility of the corresponding author.
9. It is recommended that the authors of the articles refrain from manipulating or even modifying clinical specimens or images. A report on how to produce and produce such images should be presented.

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