Volume 15, Issue 2 (Paramedical Sciences and Military Health (Summer 2020) 2020)                   Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2020, 15(2): 37-46 | Back to browse issues page

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velayatzadeh M, shahri E. The Study of PM2.5 and PM10 Particulate Matter Concentration in the Ambient Air Pollution of Khash Cement Company (Sistan and Balouchestan Province). Paramedical Sciences and Military Health 2020; 15 (2) :37-46
URL: http://jps.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-222-en.html
1- Department of Young Researchers Elite and Club, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2- Department of Environmental Science, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran , e_shahri59@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1754 Views)
Introduction: Environmental pollution also increased by the advancement of technology and the application of industries in human life. Air pollution is one of the major contaminations in the human environment which causes many acute and chronic diseases. This study was conducted to investigate the contamination of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in Khash Cement Company in Sistan and Baluchestan province in 2015.
Methods and Materials: Sampling from 8 environmental stations of Khash Cement Company was carried out in spring, summer, autumn and winter of 1394 regarding the wind direction and atmospheric conditions with 9 replications. A total of 288 environmental samples were sampled. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 24.
Results: Statistical analysis of the data showed that the highest amount of PM2.5 suspended particles was obtained near the company’s bascule in the summer (121.66±28.91μg/m3) (P<0.05). The lowest amount of PM2.5 suspended particulate matter was measured in front of training office in the autumn (6.66 ±3.05 μg/m3) (P<0.05). In the spring, the maximum amount of ambient PM2.5 particles was measured adjacent the entrance door (20±4 μg/m3); moreover, the lowest amount of these particles was measured near the voltage station (14.33±3.51 μg/m3) (P<0.05). The highest and lowest amount of ambient PM2.5 particles were obtained near the company’s bascules (121.66±28.91 μg/m3) and the western side of guard turret (8.33±4.04 μg/m3) in the summer respectively (P<0.05).
Discussion and Conclusion: The particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 environment in Khash Cement Company was lower compared to the standard 25 and 50 micrograms per cubic meter. According to the results, it can be stated that the environmental suspended particles of the Khash Cement Company were acceptable for human respiration.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: full articles
Received: 2020/09/2 | Accepted: 2020/11/28 | Published: 2020/09/21

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